What's new in Orchestra: Nov`23

We've done a lot this month to make you even more unstoppable.

Release v0.108.8/11

ā­ šŸ†• Starred messages

Long-waited feature! Messaging can be chaotic, but not in Orchestra. Now you can easily save, collect, and get access to starred messages very quickly.

Mark/Unmark message as starred in context menu
Find all starred messages in Starred tab in ChatList
Navigate through starred messages in chat using floating control in top right corner
Access starred messages from chat context menu

Check the Guide to Starred messages here ā†’

šŸ“Ž Update: Attachments tab (prev. "Media")

Discover all the media&links sent to chat in chronological order. Select specific media type to view to filter that. It's brilliant!

āœØ šŸ†• ALT+hover: Expand a full entity name

A small more improvement in Chat Header/Info Header/Kanban Card

šŸ—‘ šŸ†• Auto-archiving settings

For the last few years, all tasks marked as 'Done" were automatically archived after 5 days. We still think that's a good idea, but now you can setup it for yourself in a most flexible way! Settings works for Spaces & Projects (on/off, time)

....and bunch of small improvements!

  • ā¤ļø "Favorite" icon has changed from "Star" to "Heart"
  • šŸ“‡ Chat/Info headers and Entities avatars/icons
  • šŸŽØ Selectors/Emoji hover states and some styles in Kanban Cards
  • šŸ“ƒ 'No chats' view in favorite & unread tabs in Chat List
  • šŸ”• Gray badge on Chats tab, when all unread chats are muted

šŸ› ļø And, as always, lots of other minor fixes, improvements and tech staff under the hood. It's all for you, folks!